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BLOG - Doubles in Mexican Train Dominoes

The Four Best Times to Play A Double in Mexican Train Dominoes

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Playing A Double in Mexican Train Dominoes

The Four Best Times to Play A Double in Mexican Train Dominoes

When I play Mexican Train dominoes, I love to get doubles. Doubles improve my chances of winning because they give me more chances to play my tiles. Plus, they make it more difficult for my competitors to win. However, in order to win, you must play your doubles carefully. Here are the six best times (and ways) to play your doubles:

At the beginning of a game. I like to play some doubles as soon as I get them. If I can play a double on my second or third move, I have more flexibility as the game goes on, because I have more options. For example, if I play a double 6, and I lay down a 6/3, and the next two players cover by playing 6/4 and 6/11, I have three moves instead of one. I always like to play at least one double to start the game.

To block an opponent early in the game. If the person to my left plays a 3 and I have double threes in my hand, I always like to play those on my next turn if I can. After all, he or she will have to cover a double 3 before they can play on their hand, potentially messing them up in a big way. If they only have one 3 in their hand, they have to play on my hand and it’s off to the boneyard with them after that!

To get rid of points. As the game goes on, I want to get rid of as many points as I can in case someone goes out. To that end, if I have a high double in my hand, I will try to get rid of it. And I’m indiscriminate as to where I play it. If I have a double 12 and one of my competitors has their train up, I will play it on their hand. I don’t usually like to play doubles on competitors’ trains, but I will if I have to. I will also play on the Mexican train, even though that only has to be covered once.

To keep an opponent from going out. I don’t like to lose, so if an opponent only has one or two tiles left, I will play a double if I can. After all, they have to cover my double and if they don’t have the right tile in their hand, they have to pick from the boneyard. And they might have to pick for awhile if no one else has the right tiles. We call that a gamechanger.

When not to play doubles:

There are several instances where it’s not a good idea to play a double. One is on the Mexican Train, because that double only has to be covered once and it doesn’t do you any good. There aren’t three options coming from it. Also, try not to play doubles on your opponent’s train. If you have no other options or you are getting rid of points, you may not have a choice.

So, in general, play doubles early to give you more options, use them to block your opponent from either advancing or winning, and try not to play them on your opponents’ trains or the Mexican Train. Doubles are great weapons to have. Use them effectively!!!!

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