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Double 6 Jumbo Size-Black Dots with Spinners

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  • dominoes with spinners in a wood box
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 Product Description

Black dot dominoes in a wood box for easy storage.
Professional players love these! Jumbo size tiles. Durable poly-vinyl resin construction.

  • Set of 28 Jumbo size
  • Brass spinner feature for long life for dominoes, reduces wear-out on dominoes
  • Ivory -colored dominoes

Rules for Texas 42
The domino game 42 is similar in strategy to the card game Bridge; however, it is not as complicated. Rumor is that the game was started by a boy in east Texas because his parents would not let him play cards; others say 42 originated in Georgetown (central Texas). The most widely publicized story, however, says 42 started in Garner, Texas in 1887
Forty-two (42) is a four player game. 42 can be played by up to seven players, but it is best as four-handed partnership game, which is the version described here A set of double-six dominos is required. Players sitting opposite each other are partners.
Game Play

  • The dominos are shuffled face down.
  • Players draw seven (7) dominos apiece at random (shuffler draws last) and conceal the dot (pip) sides from each other. There is no boneyard.
  • Each player "bids his/her hand" in rotation. The highest bidder may designate a trump suit and begins play by leading a domino.
  • Bidding variation- The player holding the 0-1 tile bids first. Each player may either bid or pass. Each bid must be a number from 30 to 42, and must raise the previous bid. If the bid is maxed out (42), it may be doubled (84), and then doubled again (168). Bids of 42 or greater are made only my taking all 42 points.
  • If no one bids, the tiles are reshuffled and dealt again.
  • Each player must follow suit is he can. If he cannot follow suit (that is, if a player does not hold a tile containing the trump suit), then he may play any tile. The trick is won by the heaviest trump, and the winner of the trick leads the next. A double is always the heaviest tile in its suit.
  • Each player, in turn, must follow the suit led (if possible); otherwise he may play any domino in his hand. The person playing the highest domino in the suit led takes the trick and leads the next domino. (If played, the highest trump takes any trick.)
  • This process continues until all 28 dominos are played, the bid is made, or the high bidder is "set." Partners work together (without "talking across the table") to make their bid or to set the opposing team.

Tricks & Honors
Each hand is played as a series of seven "tricks", and each trick is worth one point. In addition, each of the dominoes whose pips add up to 5, or a multiple of five, have special values called honors: Honor Values

  • 0-5 = 5 points
  • 1-4 = 5 points
  • 2-3 = 5 points
  • 4-6 = 10 points
  • 5-5 = 10 points

The honor points are won by the player taking the trick in which they are played. Together the 7 tricks and 5 honors make up 42 points, hence the name of the game.
If the highest-bidding player meets his bid, both sides score their totals. If the highest-bidding player fails to make his bid, his side scores nothing, and his opponents score their own totals plus the bid. If the bid was 42 or higher, then the score is the bid. If the bid was 84 points, and the bidder made 42 points, then he scores 84 points. If he did not make 42 points, the opposing team scores 84. Winning The Game
A game is 250 points.

 Product Videos

Double Six Dominoes to be played with Mexican Train Fun and Chicken Foot Games | Mexican Train Fun
  • Double Six Dominoes to be played with Mexican Train Fun and Chicken Foot Games | Mexican Train Fun
    http://www.mexicantrainfun.com/double-6-dominoes.html Order Do...

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